Computer-use agents: Because clicking is hard
Today: OpenAI unveils its take on AI agents that promise to take all the drudgery out of using a computer, more on the massive Project Stargate circus, and this week's enterprise moves.
AI use cases are becoming more powerful and pervasive across the software delivery lifecycle, but adopting any new technology comes with some risks. Nine members of our Roundtable discussed how technology leaders can reap the benefits of AI software-development tools while avoiding the pitfalls.
Kubernetes has become one of the most widely used tools in distributed system infrastructure, but powerful tools can rack up significant expenses without proper configuration or management. Seven members of our Roundtable offered advice this month on the best ways to control those costs.
DevOps walked so platform engineering could run, but building a standardized organizational approach to software development can cause as many problems as it aims to solve if the platform's foundation is shaky. Here's how eight experts think companies should approach platform engineering.
Every company understands the value of their corporate data, but it's easy to lose track of priorities when trying to update their toolsets, especially during the generative AI frenzy. Here's how eight experts think companies should navigate the tricky road to the modern data stack.
Despite some recent gains by law enforcement, ransomware remains a pernicious problem for companies large and small. Here's how eight experts advise preparing for ransomware attacks.